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Yellow cheese does not contain lactose

A lot is being said about the fact that some people do not digest lactose and cannot drink milk as a result. The situation is different with maturing cheese like the one from Serenada. Why?

Lactose is a disaccharide naturally present in milk. It is digested in the small intestine by an enzyme called lactase.
The lack of this enzyme results in food intolerance. Its symptoms include problems with the digestive system like diarrhoeas, stomach ache or bloating. However, this saccharide is not present in the products which are subject to fermentation and then maturing – like yellow cheese.
Persons with lactose intolerance can eat yellow cheese, because the lactose is completely removed in the production process. It is transformed in lactic acid as a result of milk fermentation based on specially added strain of bacteria.

Contrary to milk, yellow cheese does not contain lactose.
Therefore, you can safely include it to everyday diet even when your body does not produce lactase.